Wednesday, November 9, 2011


  After a long 10 months, Destined is finally out! I got my copy on Halloween and I am loving it! Nothing really drastic has happened yet. Zoey's still herself. Damien is dealing with the loss of Jack (I don't blame him, I loved Jack!). And the rest of the Nerd Herd is still the same.
  But Neferet has a new accomplice, Aurox. Aurox is practically Neferet's slave. She teaches him to be nothing but a weapon. An unfeeling, unthinking weapon. It's pretty sad.
  There's also a newly Marked girl named Shaylin. It's still fairly early in the book so I don't know too much about her yet.
I'm up to page 100 and I can't put this book down. I refuse.

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